Treatment areas of specialized clinical expertise
Many of my clients face challenges in the following areas, which are effectively treated using a synthesis of studio art therapy and evidence-based psychotherapy, in alignment with client-specific goals:
Sadness is normal. Yet sometimes, we find ourselves stuck in a place of feeling mostly sadness, most of the time. This can interfere with relationships, a healthy sense of self, and overall functioning. Integrative art therapy helps find active ways to improve your outlook and heal from underlying causes of depression.
Anxiety shows up in many forms. However it presents (annoying, consuming, confusing, distracting, or intrusive) it can rob us of peace of mind, and our sense of physical self-control. Integrative art therapy and psychotherapy open new ways to practice mindfulness, and enhance internal peace and outward calm.
Emotional Instability
Emotional instability can feel like riding a rollercoaster of unexpected and overwhelming emotions, and frequently making impulsive decisions from an emotional place. Art therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy provide tools to better live in the moment, manage emotions, and steady relationships.
Relationship Issues
Integrative art therapy and psychotherapy offer a flexible space to explore our relationship patterns, heal from painful experiences, and understand and respond to family dynamics. Through this work, you discover new paths to develop a more connected, rewarding social world in which to live authentically.
Trauma Healing
Psychological trauma can shatter our sense of safety and personal agency, and disrupt our ability to put our experiences into words in order to work through them. Expressive therapy and Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy help build adaptive connections to promote healing, integration, and lasting recovery.
Life Transitions
We all encounter profound changes in the course of our lives. When we better understand these transitions, we can curb our natural tendencies to fight against them, and are able to more quickly and fully adapt to our new realities. Regardless of the change, it is easier to manage when you have a supportive ally.
Academic & Career Concerns
Our academic and work environments can be stressful places. In these spaces, we are tasked with balancing a wide range of interrelated concerns. Therapy provides a safe container to look at school and work experiences, and to gain clarity about how to manage these challenges in regulated and strategic ways.
Existential Issues
What is the point? How do I live my life? Why am I here? These questions may plague us, or they may be the source of deep self-reflection and creative growth. When feeling that these questions are overwhelming, art therapy allows flexibility in expressing the depth of thoughts and feelings.
Self-Esteem & Identity Challenges
Understanding the unique person that you are is a considerable challenge, and an ongoing process. Humanistic therapy offers a fresh way to engage in the the active work of exploring your inner life and lived experiences. In this process, you uncover fuller self-acceptance and self-confidence.
Body Image & Disordered Eating
Our bodies carry us and enable all of our experiences. Yet, we often neglect the needs of our physical bodies, and even turn against them in striving for emotional comfort and control. Integrative art therapy can help you connect with your body in a healing way, and forge a new relationship your physical self.
Grief & Loss
In the process of living, we all encounter substantial loss. Not only do we face personal losses, but we also face environmental grief as we live in a warming world. Art making allows you to witness the emotional pain of grief, to honor it, and to find the humanity and meaning in even the most difficult times.
Coping with Chronic Pain & Illness
Pain is real, and pain hurts. Our thoughts and emotions play a powerful and often ignored role in our experience of physical pain and illness. By expressing our experiences with our bodies, and clarifying our associated mental processes, we can renew our resilience, and find acceptance in adverse states.